यदी छ र तपाई फेसबुक,युटुब जस्ता वेबसाइट चलाउन नपाएर दिक्क हुनुहुन्छ भने अब दिक्क न मान्नुहोश तपाई को प्रोब्लम को सलुसन मैले लिएर आएको छु तपाइलाई पनि राम्रो लाग्छ भन्ने मैले आशा गरेको छु मलाई त यो सफ्टवेयर धेरै राम्रो लाग्यो र केही साथीभाईहरुलाई पनि राम्रो लागेको र आफ्नो वेबसाइट मा नै राखिदिनु भनेर भनेको हुनाले गर्दा मैले यो सफ्टवेयर आफ्नो वेबसाइट फ्री मा नै डाउनलोड गरेर चलाउन सक्नुहोश भनेर राखेको छु यदी तपाईहरुलाई यो सफ्टवेयर राम्रो लागेमा कृपया कमेन्ट गर्न न बिर्सनुहोला धन्यवाद धन्यवाद
Why we need this Software
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
How does traffic analysis work? Internet data packets have two parts: a data payload and a header used for routing. The data payload is whatever is being sent, whether that's an email message, a web page, or an audio file. Even if you encrypt the data payload of your communications, traffic analysis still reveals a great deal about what you're doing and, possibly, what you're saying. That's because it focuses on the header, which discloses source, destination, size, timing, and so on.
A basic problem for the privacy minded is that the recipient of your communications can see that you sent it by looking at headers. So can authorized intermediaries like Internet service providers, and sometimes unauthorized intermediaries as well. A very simple form of traffic analysis might involve sitting somewhere between sender and recipient on the network, looking at headers.
But there are also more powerful kinds of traffic analysis. Some attackers spy on multiple parts of the Internet and use sophisticated statistical techniques to track the communications patterns of many different organizations and individuals. Encryption does not help against these attackers, since it only hides the content of Internet traffic, not the headers.
Windows Instructions
= = = = = = = = = = =
Download and Extraction Software
Download the file above, and save it somewhere, then double click on it. Click on the button labeled "..." (1) and select where you want to save the bundle then click OK (2). At least 80 MB free space must be available in the location you select. If you want to leave the bundle on the computer, saving it to the Desktop is a good choice. If you want to move it to a different computer or limit the traces you leave behind, save it to a USB disk.
Click Extract (3) to begin extraction. This may take a few minutes to complete.
The Vidalia window will shortly appear.
Once Tor is ready, Tor Browser will automatically be opened. Only web pages visited through Tor Browser will be sent via Tor. Other web browsers such as Internet Explorer are not affected.
Once you are finished browsing, close any open Tor Browser windows by clicking on the
(6). For privacy reasons, the list
of web pages you visited and any cookies will be deleted.
With the Tor Browser Bundle, Vidalia and Tor will automatically close.
Why we need this Software
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
How does traffic analysis work? Internet data packets have two parts: a data payload and a header used for routing. The data payload is whatever is being sent, whether that's an email message, a web page, or an audio file. Even if you encrypt the data payload of your communications, traffic analysis still reveals a great deal about what you're doing and, possibly, what you're saying. That's because it focuses on the header, which discloses source, destination, size, timing, and so on.
A basic problem for the privacy minded is that the recipient of your communications can see that you sent it by looking at headers. So can authorized intermediaries like Internet service providers, and sometimes unauthorized intermediaries as well. A very simple form of traffic analysis might involve sitting somewhere between sender and recipient on the network, looking at headers.
But there are also more powerful kinds of traffic analysis. Some attackers spy on multiple parts of the Internet and use sophisticated statistical techniques to track the communications patterns of many different organizations and individuals. Encryption does not help against these attackers, since it only hides the content of Internet traffic, not the headers.
Windows Instructions
= = = = = = = = = = =
Download and Extraction Software
Download the file above, and save it somewhere, then double click on it. Click on the button labeled "..." (1) and select where you want to save the bundle then click OK (2). At least 80 MB free space must be available in the location you select. If you want to leave the bundle on the computer, saving it to the Desktop is a good choice. If you want to move it to a different computer or limit the traces you leave behind, save it to a USB disk.
Click Extract (3) to begin extraction. This may take a few minutes to complete.
= = = =
Once extraction is complete, open the folder Tor Browser from the location you saved the bundle.
Double click on the Start Tor Browser (4) application (it may be called Start Tor Browser.exe on some systems.)The Vidalia window will shortly appear.
Once Tor is ready, Tor Browser will automatically be opened. Only web pages visited through Tor Browser will be sent via Tor. Other web browsers such as Internet Explorer are not affected.
Once you are finished browsing, close any open Tor Browser windows by clicking on the

With the Tor Browser Bundle, Vidalia and Tor will automatically close.
Download Tor Browser Bundle
To start using the Tor Browser Bundle download the file for your preferred language. This file can be saved wherever is convenient, e.g. the Desktop or a USB flash drive.
Tor Browser Bundle for Windows (version
- English (en-US) (signature)
- العربية (ar) (signature)
- Deutsch (de) (signature)
- Español (es-ES) (signature)
- فارسی (fa) (signature)
- Français (fr) (signature)
- Italiano (it) (signature)
- Korean (ko) (signature)
- Nederlands (nl) (signature)
- Polish (pl) (signature)
- Português (pt-PT) (signature)
- Русский (ru) (signature)
- Vietnamese (vi) (signature)
- 简体字 (zh-CN) (signature)
Tor Browser Bundle for Intel Mac OS X 10.6 and higher (version
- English (en-US): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- العربية (ar):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Deutsch (de):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Español (es-ES):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- فارسی (fa):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Français (fr):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Italiano (it):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Korean (ko):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Nederlands (nl):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Polish (pl):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Português (pt-PT):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Русский (ru):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Vietnamese (vi):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- 简体字 (zh-CN):32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
Tor Browser Bundle for Linux
(version 2.3.25-6 (32-bit),
2.3.25-6 (64-bit)
- English (en-US): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- العربية (ar): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Deutsch (de): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Español (es-ES): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- فارسی (fa): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Français (fr): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Italiano (it): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Korean (ko): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Nederlands (nl): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Polish (pl): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Português (pt-PT): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Русский (ru): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- Vietnamese (vi): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
- 简体字 (zh-CN): 32-bit (signature) | 64-bit (signature)
ALPHA: Tor Browser Bundle alpha versions for Windows
(2.4.12-alpha-1), Linux 32-bit (2.4.12-alpha-1) and 64-bit
(2.4.12-alpha-1), and Intel Mac OS X 10.6 and higher (2.4.12-alpha-1).
- Windows Tor Browser Bundle alpha (signature)
- Linux Tor Browser Bundle alpha (32-bit) (signature)
- Linux Tor Browser Bundle alpha (64-bit) (signature)
- Mac OS X Tor Browser Bundle (32-bit) (signature)
- Mac OS X Tor Browser Bundle (64-bit) (signature)
कतै तपाई को अफिस मा फेसबुक,युटुब जस्ता वेबसाइटहरु त बन्द छैन ?
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