How to Remotely Enable Remote Desktop.

How to Remotely Enable Remote Desktop

The procedure:-
  1. Start Registry Editor on your local machine (by default, this is located at c:\windows\regedit.exe)
  2. Click the File menu, then click "Connect Network Registry"
  3. Either type the name of the remote server in the dialog box or browse Active Directory to locate the machine
  4. Click OK
  5. You may get a credentials screen – if so, enter in the credentials for the machine and hit OK
  6. You are now connected to the registry of the remote computer
  7. Go to the following registry key:-
  1. If the fDenyTSConnections value doesn't exist, create a new DWORD value named fDenyTSConnections
  2. Open the fDenyTSConnections value. The possible values for this setting are as follows:
Enable remote desktop
Disable remote desktop
  1. Change the value from 1 (disable remote desktop) to 0 (enable remote desktop) and click OK
  2. To make the change take effect, you will need to reboot the remote server
  3. You can reboot the remote server by opening a command prompt and executing the following command:
shutdown /m \\servername /r
  1. Wait for the remote server to reboot – this usually takes a minute or two
  2. Remote Desktop is now enabled on the remote machine.

Other procedure:-
1.      Right Click My Computer Properties.
2.      Click Remote Tab in windows xp (windows7 Remote Setting).
3.      Check Mark “Allow Remote Assistance Connections to this computer.”
4.      And also check mark “Select Remote Users.”  
5.       Off The Windows Firewall.
6.       Same The WORKGROUP Name.

                       Shortcut Key: - mstsc
             Open run then type mstsc and ok.

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How to Remotely Enable Remote Desktop.
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