केही फरक फरक कमाण्डहरु
- MS-DOS and X shell Commands
Command | MS-DOS Command | Linux Shell Command (BASH Command) | Usage | |
1 | Copy Files | COPY | cp | cp <filename> <new location> |
2 | Move files | MOVE | mv | mv <filename> <new location> |
3 | Rename files | RENAME | mv | mv <old filename> <new filename> |
4 | Delete files | DEL | rm | rm <filename> |
5 | Create directories | MKDIR | mkdir | mkdir <directory name> |
6 | Delete directories | DELTREE/RMDIR | rm | rm –rf <directory name> |
7 | Change directory | CD | cd | cd <directory name> |
8 | Edit text files | EDIT | vi | vi <filename> |
9 | View text files | TYPE | less | less <filename> |
10 | Print text files | lpr | lpr <filename> | |
11 | Compare files | FC | diff | diff <file1> <file2> |
12 | Find files | FIND | find | find –name <filename> |
13 | Check disk integrity | SCANDISK | fsck | fsck |
14 | View network settings | IPCONFIG | ifconfig | ifconfig |
15 | Check a network connection | PING | ping | ping <ip address> |
16 | View a network route | TRACERT | tracepath | tracepath <address> |
17 | Clear screen | CLS | clear | clear |
18 | Get help | HELP | man | man <command> |
19 | Quit | EXIT | exit | exit |
20 | Browse files | DIR | ls | ls |
MS-DOS and X shell Commands
Technical Guru