सबै प्रकार को अकाउंट लाई डिलीट गर्नुहोश

Delete Orkut Account


Do you have an Orkut account and want to delete it? I deleted my Orkut account recently after getting lots of useless Java script scraps and invitations. I found it of no use. So if you also want to delete your Orkut account, then follow these simple steps:

1. Open following link:

Go to This link:-


2. Enter your username and password.

3. Click on the checkbox and enter your password. Now click on "Remove orkut" button and your Orkut account will be deleted.


Delete Twitter Account


1. Open following link:

Delete MSN, Hotmail or other Windows Live Account

If the above link doesn't work for you, go to following link:

Go to This Link:-


2. Enter your mail ID and password.

3. Click on "Close account" button.

4. Your account will be reserved for 270 days so that if you want to re-activate it, you can do within 270 days. After 270 days it'll be deleted permanently and you'll not be able to re-activate it.


Delete Yahoo Account


Go To This Link:-


and fillup this form and ejnoy it.


Delete Yahoo Account


Go To This Link:-


and fillup this form and ejnoy it.


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सबै प्रकार को अकाउंट लाई डिलीट गर्नुहोश
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